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A famous blogger rejected Óscar de Alfonso’s offer to go to Madrid


A famous blogger rejected Óscar de Alfonso’s offer to go to Madrid



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The current Grand Master of the Lodge of Spain, Óscar de Alfonso, called an influential blogger to meet him.


All paid

According to his own testimony, Óscar de Alfonso called him to go to Madrid. His campaign has been directed to the general public, such that if it were a profane campaign, and it is possible that he wanted to test his opinion. Under the pretext of «knowing him», he decided to call him to have a meeting with him «all paid», both for plane and accommodation.

A «NO» for an answer

The blogger in question proposed that there should be a meeting of all the specialized media in Freemasonry with him «and that everyone there would ask what they deemed appropriate», to which Alfonso’s candidate was reluctant.

The question is that the invited person declined not to convince him neither the forms nor the background, since he did not think it was ethical to go to paid expenses, when precisely he does not belong to the GLE, but to an «irregular» obedience (this refers to the Alfonso’s own, to all obedience not recognized by England) and also without sufficiently clarify the reason for the visit. Finally, this blogger has continued to publish independently the «invitation» of the candidate Óscar de Alfonso.



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Diario Masónico

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