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Ancient Order Of United Workmen


Ancient Order Of United Workmen





Past Masters Jewel

AOUW Past Grand Masters Jewel

Courtesy: Phoenixmasonry

This badge is over 3-1/2″ tall and 1-3/4″ wide. It is 14kt gold and weighs about 30 grams. It is engraved, decorated and marked as follows: Top piece, front; Past District Deputy, 1881 Grand 1887, Master Workman Middle piece, front; Past Master Workman, J. Stewart Wilson Lower piece, front; C. H. & P. and enameled A.O.U.W. across a nice enameled flag shield. Middle piece, back; John Frick, NY, SOLID GOLD Lower piece, back; Manhattan Lodge No. 149, New York City, and large fancy monogram J. S. W. This badge is in like new condition in it’s original box. There are no signs of damage. The box lid however, has separated at the hinge. The box lining is marked John Frick, 6 Liberty Place, N.Y.


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Diario Masónico

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