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Electoral Programme 2018 by the R.W.B. Manuel Torres Izquierdo


Electoral Programme 2018 by the R.W.B. Manuel Torres Izquierdo





The Grand Lodge of Spain (G.L.E.) is 35 years old now. Since its consecration, from a District Grand Lodge of the National French Grand Lodge (G.N.L.F.), the world has changed. Regular Masonry has also evolved, always within the Ancient Landmarks.


The efforts of the G.L.E. must focus on creating Masonry, not only, nor chiefly, in making itself known to the outside world. We cannot properly provide values if we have not previously worked on said values inside of ourselves. We cannot properly attract good men with spiritual concerns if we do not practice said spirituality and do not cultivate that particular moral system, so characteristic of Regular Masonry.

The presence of the G.L.E. in society must be appreciated by the ethical references it provides to coexistence: we cannot envision it only as a more or less interesting club, and even less as a mysterious group. For this, we must teach ourselves to know our rituals well and educate ourselves through practicing them.

It is not enough, as we have said, to be known –as any other organisation, association or club could be known – because, if this were so, we would deprive society of the moral references which are our reason for being, and we would lack appeal for free and well-mannered men who seek something more to share their leisure time. For this, the G.L.E. must contain places for reflection and promote the specific education of its members, providing the necessary means to do this. In any case, we cannot forget that its objective is the moral perfection of humanity and to be a method of propagation for a philanthropic truth, through the use of symbolic customs and forms.

The G.L.E. already has a place in Spanish society as a small association which represents a long history and the globally-respected international community of Regular Grand Lodges. Now is the time to dedicate all available efforts and resources to deepen one’s reason for being and to facilitate this to each of our members and to each Lodge, elements for our Education.


The experience accumulated over the course of these years by the G.L.E., as a Masonic Obedience and as an organization, advises that we change some things to responsibly improve with institutional stability.

The G.L.E.’s coming of age as an Initiative Order of adult men implies adaptations to its very actual reality and to the laws of the society in which it is inserted.

As a model of an Institution which promotes specific values, we cannot remain fixed in an organisational model which is already outdated, even in 21st-Century civil society itself. We cannot show the world, the society which surrounds us, any associative structures which would be seen as obsoletes in any business or corporation.

The organisation of the G.L.E. must be adapted and simplified, promoting teams for an efficient management –far from a haggard unipersonal leadership, unfitting of the 21st Century and even more so in an Order of adult men- and organs of control which truly represent their members and their Lodges.

All Departments must accept each other as an exercise of responsibility towards their Brothers and, in any case, for a limited period of time. It is essential that whoever carries these out must be formally impeccable and especially careful of what they represent: they represent the Secular Tradition and Spanish Masonry, many times be it memorable. We honour our WB. in the I.O. through our example.

Those Brothers and Lodges whose language is not Spanish must find themselves within a structure which allows them to work comfortably and ritually, to feel worthily represented and to request –as with all- the best administration for their contributions, offering their uniqueness as an element to the solidity of the G.L.E., a Spanish but Universal Obedience, as in all Masonry.

Our maturity as Masons requires us to be collective protagonists in the telling of the Obedience, far from apparently-indisputable leaderships which could promote a docile passivity.

All Masons who belong to the Lodges of the G.L.E. must be able to intervene in their management through bodies that promote a model of participative and efficient leadership, as well as its necessary control from the most scrupulous separation of powers.


On the other hand, the adherence of the G.L.E. Association –not the Order, although its members can belong to both- to Spanish laws, in the associative and in the economical-fiscal areas, also calls for changes, with these being quick and effective to avoid placing ourselves outside the limits of those same rules which we have sworn to uphold. And to finally achieve our declaration as an Organization of Public Utility.

The Associates of the G.L.E., all of its Associates, for all contribute in equal measure as requested by our Laws, must know their administration perfectly and intervene in it through their votes, especially in economic matters

The G.L.E. must administer its resources according to these objectives –which must never be personal- efficiently, with austerity and transparency. Each Mason, regardless of Degree, for all contribute, must know those available resources and know for what and why they are meant.

Civil Society must have a model in the G.L.E. Association, an association scrupulously upholds the Law. This calls for Deep changes which must be immediately addressed. An honest and professional management of the Association, collective targets, clarity, spending adequate to our dimensions, applied to our purposes and removed from all improper richness and ostentation.

Keeping the actual surplus in mind, the G.L.E. must modify its budgets, adapting them to our objectives, always through austerity and transparency.


It would be incoherent for these reflections and the more concrete proposals, which are listed next, to be a closed and self-aggrandising electoral promise. Precisely, our conviction for the G.L.E. to be an Order of adult, principled men calls upon us to discuss open and collective projects. The best programme is deprived of sense and of a future if it is the result of an individual initiative whose sole purpose is to flatter potential voters.

For this, these lines mark the opening to members of the G.L.E. to become a part of a working team, which is aimed towards something as exciting as taking on the responsibility of internally consolidating our Order and to be a social example. And all of this within Stability, an unmistakable mark of our Responsibility and a necessary condition in order to preserve the Fraternity.


The personal reason each and every one of us had to knock on the doors of the G.L.E. requires that its chief representatives, who assumed this responsibility after the necessary backing, have a true service attitude, for the sake of allowing that our path of pursuit steers us towards the desired Happiness and Plenty

If we achieve this, we will be recognised as Masons!

14th January 2018

Manuel Torres Izquierdo
Master Mason


“Working in Masonry”

“Masonic Progress”


0.- “Working in Masonry”

Working in Masonry is the reason for being of our Grand Lodge of Spain (G.L.E.). All other objectives are dependent on this generic goal. Practicing Traditional Masonry, Regular Masonry, justifies our existence as a Masonic Obedience.

What we do will only make sense if it is done so that we all give our best to work as Masons.

Every Masonic duty must be carried out as a natural act of service to the W.B. and to the Institution.

At the same time we must always be aware that we are one link in the historic chain of our institution in Spain, taking on its past and laying the foundations of its future.


1.- The Lodge, the stage for Masonic work.

It is “the essential base of Freemasonry”. The power to initiate the profane and to bestow Masonic degrees lies in the Lodges. The Lodges must be reasserted and helped as the main and inescapable stage of our Masonic work. All of the G.L.E.’ other organisational structures are designed to facilitate the Masonic work which is carried out in the Lodge. The G.L.E. has, with respect to the Lodges, the double obligation of facilitating its Masonic work (rituals, formation, advice…) and, to guarantee that those, who operate with its Warrant, do so in harmony and practicing the ritual in all its purity.

1.1.- The ritual, the centre of our Masonic work.

The G.L.E. is multi-ritual and the Lodges choose the rite which they wish to use in their works. The G.L.E. approves and publishes the rituals, but it is the corresponding formation which will guarantee that these rituals are practiced correctly.

The rituals will be distributed among the Brethren in all possible ways, including the free electronic format.

1.2.- Formation, the absolute priority.

Its essential goal will be to propitiate the cultivation and internalisation of values such as ethics, fraternity, participation, freedom in equality, a chivalrous spirit, humanism and spirituality.

It will be a daily and priority activity of the G.L.E. to support the work carried out in the Lodge. Those responsible will be provided with the best facilities and all available resources.

Instruction Lodges will be created for each rite practiced in the G.L.E., with the aim of instructing the W.B. on the purity of their rituals and to achieve a perfect material, intellectual, moral and spiritual understanding of the ritual path they have chosen.

The figure of a Preceptor for each rite will be created.

Each degree will have “Support Ledgers” with the corresponding basic contents.

The General Formation Plan, duly time-stamped and budgeted, will be submitted for the approval and backing of the Grand Conclave.

Formation will be a specific and concrete item in the G.L.E.’s budget.

1.3.- Charity and Solidarity, our marks of identity.

Charity and Solidarity are a part of the most genuine core of our Masonic work and must be considered as such. The actions undertaken with regards to society must be a good show of our values and concerns; those developed within must be directed not only towards helping any Brother and relatives in direct need, but also towards taking on situations with a common concern which could affect all Brothers in any moment of their lives.

The G.L.E. must, through its maximum legislative and executive bodies, decide on and execute notable B and S projects set within the Grand Lodge, compatible with those which are decided and carried out by the G.L.P. and the Lodges. The obtained results will be released both internally and externally, to spread an image which ties in with our solidarity commitments.

The G.L.E. will wholeheartedly support those generally-oriented projects which are geared towards Brothers in especially vulnerable situations.

The president of the Council for Charity and Solidarity will report in every meeting of the Grand Conclave and the Grand Assembly on the following matters: account conditions, fund accounting, as well as on those projects carried out by and beyond the scope of the Provincial G.L.

There will be a Foundation for Charity and Solidarity whose patrons will be chosen by the Grand Assembly and separate from the Grand Officers, with the exception of the G. Almoner of the G.L.E. Through this Foundation, subject to an annual external auditing, projects with a greater economic entity and social repercussions will be carried out, as well as offering an interesting fiscal deal in accordance with the legislation.

1.4.- Stability: a value.

The Lodges must recover their leadership and make up the core of the G.L.E.’s activities and concerns.

Any change, if it should arise, must be made through stability, with no damage to the institutional nor fraternal balance, without confrontation.

Agreement and a consensus will be sought after, respecting the natural diversity, which must be channelled through fraternal harmony, and only after this will the proposals be referred to the legislative organs of the G.L.E.

1.5.- Recognition of our W.B. in the E.O.

Spreading the permanent recognition of personal, familiar and social honour of those MM who preceded us in the fraternal chain of historical union.



2.- The G.L.E. Obedience: From the government and management bodies

2.1.- Separation of powers in the G.L.E.

A Sharp and radical separation between the legislative (Grand Assembly and Grand Conclave), executive (Grand Master and Grand Rector Council) and judicial (Grand Orator and Supreme Court of Masonic Justice) powers will be established.

The legislative and judicial bodies of a collegiate nature will have, in any case, a majority of truly elected members in direct representation.

2.2.- The Grand Master: an honourable Mason “primus inter pares”.

The Grand Master, first among their equals, is, par excellence, the maximum representative of the G.L.E., a moderator and arbitral power, guarantor of rites, of the Constitution and the Rules and Regularity. His decisive and executive facilities must not be used in a unipersonal way, rather they must be moderated by the bodies corresponding to the G.L.E. The Grand Master, far from other models, now obsolete in society itself, must be capable of leading a work team.

  • His “Decrees” must be previously known and informed by the Grand Rector Council, save in case of emergencies.
  • As an “example of abnegation, of impeccable conduct and of spirit of service”, as our Rules state, he shall be the first to offer their Brothers –in this case, through the Director of the Rector Council and the Grand Treasurer- the utmost transparency in the performance of his high station.
  • The Grand Master must have the moral authority, prestige and dignity to deserve the respect and appreciation of their Brothers and to make their opinions known without needing to exercise his power or exercising it fraternally. In the words of a Brother, it can be called a “service leadership” as opposed to an “autocratic leadership”.
  •  The duration of the Grand Master’s mandate will be 3 years, with only one term for re-election.
  •  The Grand Master will always be answerable to the Grand Assembly.

2.3.- The Grand Rector Council, the G.L.E.’s Executive

The Grand Rector Council, as the “Grand Lodge of Spain’s executive government body, which covers all matters regarding the Obedience’s administration”, will gather any time it is needed and usually under the presidency of its director, with no damage from the rights which assist the Grand Master.

  • The director of the Rector Council will submit his management to the approval of the Grand Conclave during each of their reunions.
  • The Grand Rector Council will transmit the reports sent out by the will of the Grand Master to the Grand Conclave, for their knowledge, relating to the spreading and publication of Decrees.
  • The greater part of its members will have specific areas of competence and responsibility assigned to them (among these, beneficence and solidarity, formation and instruction, international relations, quantitative and qualitative expansion, cultural and artistic action, communication) and they must develop and execute those projects previously approved by the G.L.E.’s legislative bodies with programmes of action, timed and related to specific budgetary parties. They must periodically submit their accounts before the G.L.E.’s legislative bodies.

 2.4.- The Grand Conclave

 Besides the functions attributed to it in our current Constitution and Rules, it will be the body in charge of keeping to the accords of the Grand Assembly and, above all, controlling the Grand Master and the Grand Rector Council among assemblies.

It will be made up of elected members, at least up to 75%.

2.5.- The Grand Assembly

Being “the highest authority in Regular Symbolic Freemasonry in Spain” and made up of “all the Masters Installed in the Grand Lodge of Spain who may fully make use of their Masonic rights”, as our Constitution says, will not take part in associative aspects, which will be compatible with the highest associative authority, this being, the assembly of the “G.L.E. Association”.

2.6.- The Supreme Court of Masonic Justice.

It will be made up of a president and four aides, as well as five substitutes, all of whom will be chosen by the Grand Assembly from among the Masters Installed in the Grand Lodge of Spain who may fully make use of their Masonic rights.

The mandate of the members of the Supreme Court of Masonic Justice will be for three years, with only one term for re-election.

2.7.- Simplification of the G.L.E.’s structure

The G.L.E.’s organisational structure is in truth very complex and inefficient with respect to the real dimensions and membership of the G.L.E., which impedes it’s functioning (without this affecting the support to the Lodges), reduces the accessibility of the Brethren and raises costs.

  • The G.L.E.’s structure shall be simplified, in agreement with our true dimensions and needs, adjusting the current expenditure for the Brothers to the maximum, which could have repercussions on its capitations.
  • The G.L.E. will be organically delimited and the Provincial G. L. with criteria for accessibility, efficiency, custom and common sense, taking into account the will of the Lodges.
  • Ritual, Formation, Solidarity (Charity) and relations with society will be the working lines for the Provincial G. L. The P.G.L. must not be a copy of the structure of the G.L.E. A direct relationship between the Lodges and the G.L.E.’s administrative structures will be proposed, professionalised and with a strong emphasis on IT (Information Technology) management.

2.8.- International Relations.

The G.L.E.’s international presence, and that of its G.M., will always follow criteria for austerity, functionality and continuity.

After the pertinent consideration and upon the bases approved by the Grand Assembly, the Grand Conclave must annually approve the programme for acts and visits on an international scale, which must be interlinked with a specific budgetary party.

The priority targets for international relations are as follows:

1.- The best relationships with the U.G.L. of England.

2.- Favouring relationships with the GG.LL. of Europe.

3.- Keeping fraternal relations with the GG. LL. of Latin America, and so limiting journeys.

4.- Renewing Masonry’s fraternal actions along the Mediterranean.

5.- Strengthening relations with the GG. LL. in the U.S.

2.9.- Relations with other Orders, Powers and Corps

As a multi-ritual Obedience, the Grand Lodge of Spain places a positive value on collaboration with other Regular Masonic groups and jurisdictions. Based on fraternity, it will cooperate with them to contribute to the consolidation of Regular Masonic life in Spain, with the belief that walking together, while always fully respecting the sovereignty of each organisation, is the best and most efficient option available, and will inspire its members to follow and complete, if they so wish, the initiative path of each Rite.

Synergies with other Regular Freemasonry organisations, both internal and social, shall be favoured, which will multiply the positive effect of the transmission of our values to society.

2.10.-Advisory Body to the G.M.

An Advisory Commission to the G.M. will be created, made up of Brothers who have had, in regard to their competency, responsibilities or merits, especial significance in la Regular Spanish Masonry.

2.11.-Commission for Ethical Reflection

A Commission will be created which will ethically analyse some of the challenges to the future of Humanity, in matters such as bioethics or public health.

2.12.- Historical Union

With the aim of creating a single Regular Symbolic Obedience in Spain, and with this containing the Tradition and Historical Rights, as long as the G. Assemblies of both Obediences decide it to be so, the Grand Spanish Orient will be legaly included in the G.L.E.

2.13.- Communication

The G.L.E.’s areas of communication will be maintained and strengthened, and its contents will be diversified, with those of its institutional character and Masonic formation being highlighted.

The honourable feelings of our Institution will be complemented with civil society, as well as those of a just claim to our historic heritage.

The most important agreements and subjects outlines at the GG. Conclaves will be sent out, through the private area of the G.L.E.’s web, for the sake of better and more transparent information.



3.1.- The G.L.E. Association

The G.L.E., as well as being an Initiative Order comprised of all the Ancient, Free and Accepted Freemasons under its jurisdiction, “… in the fullness of their rights… “, is an association inscribed in the corresponding public registry and, as a result, is obliged to adhere to the laws which regulate these organisations.

The confusion between these two conditions, especially in the ritual meetings where associative issues are discussed, unnecessarily degrades Masonic workings on the one hand and, on the other hand, limits the associative rights of its members.

  • The Meetings of the Grand Assembly of the G.L.E. and the administrative assemblies of the “G.L.E. Association” shall be held separately. The Grand Assembly shall be held according to the Grand Lodge’s ritual.
  • In consideration of the budgetary possibilities of our G.L.E., the expenses corresponding to the invitations for the assistance of representatives of other G. L. to our Grand Assembly shall be limited, invitations which –in any case- shall not be used in other G.L.
  • The Grand Assembly’s spending shall be notably reduced as well as those corresponding to the Grand Master’s travels, concepts which currently make up almost a third part of the G.L.E.’s budget.
  • The administrative Assembly of the “G.L.E. Association” shall deal with all matters of an economic and heritage content -in coherence with the prohibition of bringing metals into the Lodge and out of respect for all those associated, regardless of their Masonic degree and the valid associative legality -, shall be held without regalia nor Masonic decorations and will allow all members –when this should be technically viable with guarantees-, an electronic vote and delegate.
  • All members of the G.L.E. shall be summoned to take part in the administrative assembly of the “G.L.E. Association”.

The “G.L.E. Association” will be adapted for the current legislation (Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22nd, regulating the right of Association, Organic 15/1999, of December 13th, for data protection of a personal nature, 10/2010, of April 28th, for capital laundering prevention and of the financing of terrorism and others applies) so that we shall be blameless in our respect for the Laws.

3.2.- The G.L.E.’s Budgets

The G.L.E.’s budgets must correspond to its true dimensions and needs. As a result, the Brothers’ annual charges will be adjusted in the same manner.

All of the G.L.E.’s management will be carried out in an austere and transparent manner, with the executive actions being presided over and carried out by the Grand Rector Council with the criteria outlined in section 2.3 of this programme.

The action programmes, approved by the Grand Assembly, in accordance with the established annual, triannual and quinquennial plans, will be periodically evaluated at the GG. Conclaves.

3.3.- Input for the Real Estate Fund: to be used or cancelled.

The input for the Real Estate Fund which, according to our Rules “shall have consideration of finalist income and may only be used for the acquisition of properties, for the amortization of mortgages and loans…, for investments in the rehabilitation of properties, for any other expenditure derived from the use of properties”, has rarely been used for these ends and were even used, at some time, to pay for the G.L.E.’s current expenditure.

In any case, the requirements for accessing the use of the Real Estate Fund have never been clearly defined, and the Real Estate Fund has been used in an unclear manner on more than one occasion.

  • The Real Estate Fund will be decided on, following the due contrast of opinions, in such a way that it will either meet the ends for which it was set up or it shall be definitively cancelled.
  • The criteria, which will be discussed in the Grand Conclave and will be approved at the Grand Assembly, to be followed for its use, shall be public and objective.
  • If it is decided to keep this Fund, it will only be to generate and maintain a real estate heritage for the G.L.E. which will allow the Lodges to work in worthy and comfortable locations, following a previously-established programme.

3.4.- Organic Expansion, especially in certain areas.

  • The criteria and protocols for the admission of new members of our Order will be revised, ensuring both that the candidates lack records which will preclude their admission, as that all Lodges in the Obedience will have access to reviewing their petitions.
  • Specific action programmes and campaigns for indirect sensitisation with certain collectives will be created, for young people, intellectuals, scientists, artists, autonomous professionals, etc.
  • Following the required previous analysis, a special action for the possible return of the HH. in dreams must be carried out.
  • There will be a special programme, with personal and economic support, for the G.L.E. to have an organic presence in all Spanish provinces.
  • The viability for those Latin American HH., active members of G.L. of Friendship who are not Spanish residents, to be incorporated with a “special status” as fully-speaking members of the G.L.E., shall be propitiated.

3.5.- Constitutional Reform and General Rules

  • A Commission will be created to receive and technically analyse any suggestions or proposals which, for the G.L.E.’s Constitutional reform and for its General Rules, will be carried out by the RR.LL. and the Brothers., in so doing making the necessary changes for the accomplishment of some of the promises outlined in this programme viable.
  • The process, which will culminate in the Grand Assembly of March 2021 and of which the GG. Conclaves and the GG. Assemblies shall be notified, will be resolved with a Constitution project which will be distributed three months in advance, at least, before the date of the Grand Assembly referred to for its approval and in which the subjects of greater importance, with regard to what has been submitted throughout the process, will be the targets of specific decisions.
  • This reform’s primary goal is to decide on the G.L.E.’s very identity as a basic organisation of Regular Spanish Freemasonry, which will of course respect the principle of Universality.
  • The fundamental criterion for the G.L.E.’s reforms will be the integral strengthening of Masonic diversity and will not influence the necessary institutional stability.

3.6.- Cultural and Artistic Actions

  • An indirect path in the transmission of the values of our Institution and in having a social presence will be the promotion of cultural and artistic actions on behalf of the G.L.E., which complement those which the P.G.L. and the Lodges. would promote and carry out.
  • Additionally, the cultural and artistic actions should allow the existence of sympathisers or collaborators with our Institution, with no need to be members of such.


14th January 2018.


Manuel Torres Izquierdo

Master Mason



  • The structures of the G.L.E. shall be at the disposition of the Masonic work in the Lodge. The rituals shall be distributed among the Brethren by all means possible, including the free electronic format. There will be a direct relationship between the Lodges and the G.L.E.’s Administration (professionalised and emphasising ITCs).
  • Instruction Lodges shall be created for each rite practiced in the G.L.E. and the figure of the Preceptor shall be created for each rite. Each degree will have Support Ledgers with the basic formative contents. The General Plan for Formation shall have a concrete and significant base in the Budgets.
  • The G.L.E. shall decide on and execute Charity and Solidarity projects compatible with those of the P.G.L. and the Lodges. The G.L.E. will support generally themed projects for Brothers in especially vulnerable situations. The President of the Council for Beneficence and Solidarity shall report at every meeting of the G. Conclave and of the G. Assembly. There will be a Foundation for Charity and Solidarity, with patrons chosen by the G. Assembly and separate from the Grand Officials, with the exception of its President.
  • The legislatives and judicial bodies of a collegiate nature shall have a majority of truly elected members in direct representation. The Decrees of the G. Master shall be previously known and informed by the G. Rector Council, save in case of emergencies. The G. Rector Council will transmit the reports relative to their spreading and publication to the G. Conclave
  •  The duration of the Grand Master’s mandate shall be 3 years, with one term for re-election.
  •  The Director of the G. Rector Council will submit his management to the G. Conclave at each of their meetings.
  • The G. Conclave shall be responsible for the following of the accords of the G. Assembly and the control of the G. Master and the G. Rector Council between Assemblies. It shall be made up, at least, of 75% elected members.
  •  The G. Assembly will not be in charge of associative aspects. These associative aspects shall be undertaken by the assembly of the G.L.E. Association.
  •  The Supreme Court of Masonic Justice will be composed of a president and four aides chosen by the G. Assembly. Their mandate shall be for three years, with one term for re-election.
  •  The structure of the G.L.E. will be simplified, adjusting its expenditure. The G.L.E. and the Provincial G.L. shall be organically delimited, with criteria for accessibility, efficiency, custom and common sense, considering the will of the Lodges. Ritual, Formation, Solidarity (Beneficence) and relations with society shall be the lines of work for the Provincial G.L., and shall not be a copy of the structure of the G.L.E.
  • The international presence of the G.L.E. and of its G.M. shall always follow criteria for austerity, functionality and continuity. The G. Conclave shall approve programmes and budgets for international acts and visits. The main goals of the international relations shall be: the U. G. L. of England, the GG. LL. of Europe, fraternal relations with the GG.LL. in Latin America, Masonry along the Mediterranean and the GG. LL. in the U.S..
  • Synergies with other Organisations of Regular Freemasonry shall be favoured.
  • An Advisory Commission to the G.M. will be created, with Brothers who have held a special significance and experience in Regular Spanish Masonry.
  • A Commission which will ethically analyse some of the challenges to the future of Humanity, such as in bioethics or public health, will be created.
  • The Grand Spanish Orient shall be judicially integrated into the G.L.E., pending a decision by the Grand Assemblies from both Obediences.
  • The G.L.E.’s communications area shall be maintained and strengthened, diversifying its contents and highlighting the institutional and formational areas. Our historical heritage shall be restored.
  • The Meetings of the G. Assembly of the G.L.E. and the administrative assemblies of the G.L.E. Association shall be held separately. The Grand Assembly shall be held according to the Grand Lodge’s rituals. The costs of invitations for the assistance of representatives from other GG.LL. shall be limited
  • The G.L.E. Association shall be adapted to the current legislation. The G.L.E. Association’s administrative assembly shall deal with all matters of economic and heritage content. It shall be held without regalia nor masonic decorations and will allow electronic votes and delegates. All members of the G.L.E. will be called upon to participate in the administrative meetings of the G.L.E. Association.
  • The G.L.E.’s Budgets shall be correspondent to its true dimensions and needs. There will be an adjustment, similarly, to annual charges. The management of the G.L.E. shall be austere and transparent.
  • The expenses of the Grand Assembly and those corresponding to the Grand Master’s travels shall be notably reduced, which currently make up almost a third part of the G.L.S.’s budget.
  • The action programmes, approved by the G. Assembly, shall be periodically evaluated at the G. Conclaves.
  • A decision will be taken on the Real Estate Fund, so that it may serve those ends for which it was created, or should be cancelled. The criteria for its use shall be public and objective.
  • The protocol for the admission of new members shall be revised, ensuring that they lack records which preclude such; all Lodges will know these requests. Action programmes and sensitisation campaigns for certain collectives shall be set up: Young People, Intellectuals, Scientists, Artists, etc. A special action for the return of Brothers in dreams shall be set up. There will be a special programme, with personal and economic support, for the G.L.E. to have an organic presence in all Spanish provinces. It will be propitiated that Latin American Brothers, active members in G. L. of Friendship who are not Spanish residents, can have a “special status” as speaking members of the G.L.E.
  • A Commission will be created to receive and analyse proposals for the reform of the Constitution and the General Rules to decide on the identity of the G.L.E. as a basic Organisation for Regular Spanish Freemasonry which respects the principle of Universality. The process will culminate in a Constitution project which will be distributed, at least, three months before the date of the G. Assembly in which it shall be considered.
  • Cultural and artistic actions complementary to those which are promoted and executed by the P.G.L. and the Lodges shall be set up, allowing for the existence of sympathisers or collaborators with the G.L.E.



14th January 2018

Manuel Torres Izquierdo

Master Mason

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