
El aspirante sigue el camino de la Iniciación en Egipto. Aunque nadie le ve, siempre está vigilado por sus intercesores y a la menor debilidad, acudirán presurosos y, por otros corredores le conducirán a la puerta de entrada para que se reintegre a la luz y a la vida exterior, no sin haber jurado que a nadie…


Leer en español The Invisible College of Covadonga has issued a statement in response to the letter that the MRGM, Oscar de Alfonso sent to the HH of the G.L.E. on August 7 from Brazil and then we link so you can read it. Below we reproduce the answer in the form of a manifesto issued by the Invisible College of…


Read in spanish Dear Brother, The Invisible College of Covadonga has published several articles of reflection focussed on Freemasonry since the group was formed on the 21st June 2018. We are criticised for not declaring our identities. This criticism is wrong because those who criticised us do not understand the…

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