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October Is Masonic Family Make a Difference Month!


October Is Masonic Family Make a Difference Month!




Grand Master Charvonia has proclaimed October 2015 as Masonic Family Make a Difference Month and Oct. 3 as Make a Difference Day. Both are great occasions to partner with Masonic youth to make a difference in your local community.

Wondering how your lodge can give back? Here are some suggestions:

• If possible, focus on supporting public schools: Ask a local school how your lodge can get involved. Offer to tutor or read to students, renovate a playground, plant a garden, or another meaningful activity.

• Combine Make a Difference Day programming with Fire Prevention Weekby preparing ICE packs or teaching local students about fire safety

• Host a 5K walk/run to benefit a local cause

• Plan a neighborhood cleanup or preservation project

• Arrange a group volunteer day at a retirement home or hospital

• Organize volunteers for a meal-delivery service for elderly and ill residents

• Approach the local Boys & Girls Club, animal shelter, homeless shelter, or soup kitchen and ask how you can help

• Gather supplies for overseas troops, or help veterans in your community

• Collect used iPads or MP3 players for the Masonic Homes

No matter how you give back, banding together in support of community and Masonic youth helps build a sense of fraternity and fellowship – and reflects the Masonic tenets of brotherly love and relief. Read more about the benefits of volunteering in the June/July issue of California Freemason.

Have a great service project planned for your lodge? Share it with brothers around the world on the Masons of California Facebook page.

All articles may be repurposed by any Masonic publication with credit to the Grand Lodge of California. Print this article and post it at lodge; include it in your Trestleboard or website; email it to members; or use the buttons at the top of this page to share it on Facebook or Twitter.

Source: Masons of California

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Diario Masónico

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