The third installment in the series on the effects of Masonic ritual. Masonic Ritual is the play; it stresses the structure and foundation of the story while the thought form and creativity are in the hands of the individual actors in the ritual.
Here the author explores the foundation of Masonic Ritual as influenced, shaped, and formed by the thoughts and mindset of the Brothers of the Lodge. Part I can be found here.
This is the first installment in a series exploring the effects of Masonic ritual. Here the author explores the nature of ritual, particularly in relation to Freemasonry.
Earliest Masonic Rituals Except from the «Cracking the Freemasons Code» by Robert L.D. Cooper. Robert Cooper is the Curator of the Scottish Masonic Museum and Library at Freemason’s Hall in Edinburgh. A.&A.S.R. – A brief history in ritual and traditional freemasonry. Ancient and…
Video: Masonic Ritual The Ritual of Consecration of a Masonic Lodge. This is the Re-Enactment of Reconsecration of North Australian Lodge No.1 UGLQ. This is an open ceremony anyone could attend.