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The Grand Lodge of Spain explodes


The Grand Lodge of Spain has burst. It was only a matter of time, and deflagration can definitely divide it. The call of the Great Conclave has been the straw that has filled the glass of MESA and many Brothers.

Lea este artículo el español

Yesterday, in a statement with the heading of the Respectful Brothers Jesús Gutiérrez Morlote and Pere martínez Delgado on behalf of MESA, they say they do not recognize the call of the Grand Conclave, while accusing the Grand Master, Oscar de Alfonso, to promote the GLE a situation of «sudden and absolute power-taking», plunged into a «real coup d’etat, caused by the Grand Master, usurping and accumulating in his person the functions that according to our Constitution and General Regulations must exercise autonomously and independently both the Grand Speaker and the Grand Treasurer, we want to express our total disagreement and frontal rejection”

The reason that, according to them, has led them to make this decision with pain is that “since Decree 1252, of June 21, 2019, on the composition of the Grand Conclave, there have been resignations, casualties and other significant changes without our knowledge, currently , who are part of this body; only the Grand Master knows him and, consequently, he is the only one who can aspire to form majorities for his proposals.”

It is not a Great Conclave, it is something else

We are in the unfortunate position of not being able to recognize the reunion to be held on Saturday 16th November as an official meeting of the Grand Conclave of the Grand Lodge of Spain. This meeting will be something else. Possibly it can be classed as a meeting between the Grand Master and some Brethren, or a meeting where the Grand Master has the aim to continue planning how to increase and maintain absolute control of our organization. There is absolutely no doubt that this meeting does not fulfil the requirements to be an official ordinary meeting of the Grand Conclave of the Grand Lodge of Spain.

Since the Decree 1252, dated 21st June 2019, which identifies officially the members of the Grand Conclave, there have been resignations and other significant changes to the membership to such an extent that it is impossible to know who actually forms part of this governing body. Only the Grand Master knows who or who is not a member at the moment and as such he is the only one who can decide if there is a majority to aspire to approve his proposals.

The Grand Speaker (Gran Orador), who was elected by the Grand Assembly and is representative as well as spokesperson for the Grand Conclave, has resigned and left the institution after realising that his work was belittled, undermined and boycotted by the leader and administration of the Grand Lodge.

Before he resigned, the Grand Speaker (Gran Orador) sent a letter to the Grand Master, the members of the Grand Governing Council (Gran Consejo Rector), the Grand Conclave and the Grand Assembly in which he highlighted the grave and divided situation of the Grand Lodge of Spain explaining that it was necessary to convene urgently an Extraordinary Grand Assembly to debate the situation and find a way forward.

The Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Spain, elected by the Grand Assembly and the only person who can jointly sign payments and make financial reports about the institution, is still unjustly suspended without reason. A suspension decree which was declared invalid by the Grand Speaker (Gran Orador) whose report was passed to the Grand Master, the President of the Masonic Court of Justice, the Grand Secretary and all the members of the Grand Governing Council (Gran Consejo Rector). They all aware of and complicit in the injustice which is being committed.

In the face of this absolute and sudden seizure of power, a real coup d’etat instigated by the Grand Master, usurping and accumulating in his person the functions that according to our Constitution and General Regulations must be exercised autonomously and independently by both the Grand Speaker (Gran Orador) and the Grand Treasurer, we want to express our overwhelming disagreement and total rejection.

We have waited prudently until the summons for the meeting on Saturday 16th November 2019 was issued to make any statement, hoping that the agenda of the scheduled meeting would address the illegal situation, with respect to the internal regulations, which the Grand Lodge of Spain finds itself at present. However, the agenda does not include any point related to the vacant position of the Grand Speaker (Gran Orador) or the Grand Treasurer, who is suspended without cause.

In this situation, which subverts the constitution of our Order, we cannot endorse or legitimize by our presence this parody of a meeting that is intended to be held next Saturday, 16th November 2019.

For this reason we recommend that all Brethren of the Order who are respectful of Regularity should refrain from participating in any meetings which are convened until legality is restored in the Grand Lodge of Spain.

We do not recognize the resolutions or agreements that may emanate from the present Grand Governing Council (Gran Consejo Rector) after it has been aware of the manifest illegality of the suspension of the Grand Treasurer and has not reversed the situation. Neither do we recognize any resolutions or agreements that may emanate from the Grand Conclave, while the office of Grand Speaker (Gran Orador) remains vacant.

Supporting the testimony of the Past Grand Speaker (Gran Orador), we make his proposal ours and, consequently, we will request the celebration of an Extraordinary Grand Assembly.

WB Pere Martínez Delgado, PGPV

WB Jesús Gutiérrez Morlote, PDGCR

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Publicado por:

Diario Masónico

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